Auction Success Story

Success Amidst the Northwoods: Northern Auction and Estate Services

In the heart of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, a unique business thrives, driven by community need and entrepreneurial spirit. Austin McGowan, owner of Northern Auction and Estate Services, transformed his passion for the resale market into a thriving business. Having grown up immersed in the thrifting culture, Austin noticed a significant gap in the market—an outlet for people to sell items that wouldn’t otherwise find buyers.

The Turning Point

The journey wasn't without its hurdles. Breaking into the auction industry, especially in a relatively small community, came with its challenges. However, Austin's determination and strategic thinking steered the business toward a model that not only served the local community but also attracted a national audience. Specializing in online auctions, Northern Auction and Estate Services opened up opportunities for local sellers to reach buyers across the country and even into Canada.

A Community Focused Vision

Northern Auction and Estate Services has become more than just a business; it's a community hub. Austin shares, "Our goal was always to support the local community, whether it was providing a platform for sales or uncovering Rhinelander’s hidden treasures." The impact of Austin's work is palpable, with countless items finding new homes and sellers gaining financial benefits. Beyond the transactions, the business strengthens bonds within the community and supports local collectors in their pursuits.

Driven by Family and Future

For Austin, this business is not just about auctions; it's a means to inspire his two daughters, AR and Aaliyah. Austin hopes to demonstrate the value of hard work and the rewards of entrepreneurship. "I want my girls to see what's possible when you pour your heart into something meaningful," he comments. His aspiration for a flexible schedule is now a reality, allowing for cherished family time amidst business operations.

Ambitious Future Ahead

Looking towards the future, Northern Auction and Estate Services has its sights set on expansion. Austin is keen on growing his team to enhance operational efficiency and extend the business's reach. Furthermore, he's passionate about giving back, with plans to support vital community pillars like local schools, the VA, and Frederick Place. "Community is at the core of everything we do," Austin emphasizes.

The Support that Fuelled Success

Oneida County Economic Development Corporation (OCEDC) played a pivotal role in this success story. The Main Street Bounceback Grant, a crucial financial boost, helped cover operational costs and laid the groundwork for growth. Austin reflects, "The support from OCEDC, through funding, resources, and education, was invaluable. It wasn't just about the financial aspect; it was the connections, the knowledge, and the sense of community they provided that truly made a difference."

Through partnerships with local organizations like Nicolet College, OCEDC facilitated access to essential business education and resources, further solidifying the foundation for Austin’s success. "Knowing we had that level of support and resources at our disposal was a game changer," Austin adds.

A Role Model of Economic Growth

Today, Northern Auction and Estate Services stands as a testament to the potential for success within Oneida County. Its story encapsulates the essence of innovation, community engagement, and economic growth.

With a business model that spans beyond local borders, a commitment to community upliftment, and the relentless pursuit of growth and development, Austin McGowan and his enterprise are prime examples of what can be achieved with the right combination of support, ambition, and engagement.

We invite entrepreneurs, business owners, and anyone curious about the opportunities Oneida County has to offer to explore how OCEDC can support your ventures. Like Austin, you too can find success and contribute to the vibrant economic landscape of Oneida County. Let's grow together, naturally in Oneida.

Oneida County EDC

Success Story Length: 00:00

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