Cecily Dawson: Real Estate Visionary and Community Advocate

Driving Economic Growth through Compassionate Leadership

Cecily Dawson

Meet Our Board Member: Cecily Dawson

  •  Cecily Dawson is a real estate leader with a passion for community development and customer care.
  •  Her expertise extends across six counties, where she and her team prioritize community-building through real estate.
  •  Cecily embodies a holistic approach to her work, promoting a balanced lifestyle and encouraging community engagement.

Cecily Dawson: Pioneering Real Estate and Community Growth

Meet Cecily Dawson, a board member of Oneida County EDC who brings a unique zeal to real estate and local development. Her professional touch is marked by an unwavering commitment to customer care and a distinguished service that sets her apart. 

Real Estate Expertise in the Heart of the Northwoods

Cecily champions an approach that's all about enthusiasm and professionalism. As she caters to clients across six counties in Wisconsin, her dynamic team and she prioritize delivering results that genuinely matter. They're not just selling homes; they're fostering communities. 

A Leader in the Industry and Community

With an unyielding drive to lead by example, Cecily's industry influence is built on hard work, insightful market knowledge, and the clever use of technology. This leadership extends beyond business, right into the fabric of Rhinelander's community, which she's actively helping to revitalize.

Holistic Approach to Work and Life

Cecily's work ethic is rooted in her belief in nurturing all facets of life—physical, spiritual, and emotional. By living authentically, she encourages others to do the same, fostering a community where everyone thrives. 

Join Us in Shaping the Future

Cecily Dawson and the Oneida County EDC are paving the way for a vibrant future in the Northwoods. We invite you to be part of this transformation. Engage with us, share your ideas, and help us grow—naturally in Oneida.

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